Tuesday 8/6/2019



3 Sets, Not for Time:

Push-Ups x 10 Reps @ 22X1
Rope Pulls from ground x 3 Reps
Supine Barbell Rows x 6 Reps @ 20X1


3 Sets, Not for Time:

Defecit Push-Ups x 10 Reps @ 22X1
Rope Climbs x 1-3
Supine Barbell Rows x 6 Reps @ 20X1


Dungeness & Octopi

Complete 4 Sets for Max Reps:

30 Seconds of Single Arm DB Alternating Hang Power Clean to Overhead 50/35
Rest 30 Seconds
30 Seconds of Rowing or Biking for Calories
Rest 30 Seconds
30 Seconds of Double-Unders
Rest 30 Seconds

Score = # of DB Reps, # of cals, # of DU

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