Tuesday 7/3/2018

4th of July Holiday Schedule:
July 4th – CrossFit at 8:30, 9:30
July 5th – No 5 or 6 am classes. All other classes on normal schedule.



4 rounds not for time:

Toes-to-post x 10 reps
HS hold against wall x 10-20 seconds
High Box Jump x 3 reps (step down after each rep)


4 rounds not for time:

Strict toes-to-bar x 5-10 reps
Freestanding HS hold x 3 attempts
High Box Jump x 3 reps (step down after each rep)


Dungeness & Octopi

Complete the following for time:

400 Meter Run
30/25 Push-ups
40 Walking Lunges
200 Meter run
20/15 Push-ups
20 Walking Lunges
100 Meter run
15/10 Push-ups
10 Walking Lunges

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