Tuesday 6/5/2018



4 rounds not for time:

Unsupported Seated Strict Press x 3 @ 30X2
Supine Barbell Row x 6 reps
DB Box step-ups x 8 reps


4 rounds not for time:

Strcit HSPU Negatives x 3 reps @ 30K2 + Strict HSPU x max reps
Supine Barbell Row x 6 reps
Alternating Pistols x 10-12 reps


Complete 4 sets for max reps:

30 Seconds of Dips (Dungness = stationary, Ocotpi = rings)
Rest 30 Seconds
30 Seconds of DB or KB Deadlifts (Dungness = 45/35, Ocotpi = rings70/50)
Rest 30 Seconds

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